About Me

I’m Leslie.

I’m a homeschooling, nomadic mom of 5.  I’m love traveling, seeing new things, meeting new people, sunsets, practicing mindfulness, crafting, creating, and wine.

This year marks 11 years of homeschooling for us.  Though it’s always been our lifestyle.  

We’ve homeschooled from the very beginning.  In fact, our homeschool journey started with my own.  I nearly failed grade 9 and was presented with ultimatums.  Someone I knew happened to do online homeschooling, which was a wild concept in the late 90’s.  I asked my parents if I could try that and they agreed to give it a try.  It was a game changer! 

 I realized quickly that I was not the type of person designed to learn in the public system.  Not only did my grades go from 50’s up to 80’s and 90’s, but I was actually retaining information.  I went back to my high school to graduate with my friends, and to this day I say that if I ever had a regret, it would have been that decision.  My grades fell, and I barely graduated. 

Now we can add “Road Schooling” to our homeschool resume. 

We hit the road in October of 2019.  There’s a whole story about how this came to be, so I’ll link it here when I get around to blogging about it.  Needles to say, COVID has made this a more …….. diverse adventure than we had planned, but I wouldn’t change it for anything.  

There is something magical about going to new places you’ve never been.  Everything from the way the air feels and smells, to the ground you walk on, and the sounds you hear are all so unique and amazing to experience.  If I have things my way, we’ll do this forever! 

I love constantly learning new things, and for the last 6 years of my life, that has included mindfulness, meditation, and overall personal development.  I’ve completed my first level of life coaching through Erickson International.  I’m going to be taking some more courses, and hopefully soon I’ll be adding life coaching to my offerings.

I’m also a certified meditation teacher.  Meditation has brought so much healing and joy to my life.  As a Christian, I’m not really into the woo-woo end of things.  But I LOVE the science behind how & why meditation works and what a powerful tool it can be in prayer and everyday life.  

My hope is to create a mindfulness and meditation course for real mamas who don’t have time to sit for hours, but deeply need the benefits that mindfulness and meditation have to offer.

That’s me.  I look forward to getting to know all of you and how I can serve you in this little corner of the world wide web.

Meditaiton Coach