A-Z Homeschool Coaching
In Alberta

A-Z Homeschool Coaching Package

Do you find yourself suddenly and unexpectedly homeschooling?  Feeling overwhelmed with a plethora of information and options? 


 Maybe you’ve always wanted to homeschool, but you’re not quite sure where to start.

 Or maybe you have moved from another country and you’re feeling uncertain about how things work here.

 This package will help you with ALL of the logistics necessary to get started with homeschooling such as the legalaties, choosing a homeschool style and curriculum, PLUS any and all of the following;

  •  creating a homeschool mission statement and knowing your why
  • discuss how you and your child best learn and communicate
  • creating a routine that works for your family’s unique circumstances.
  • addressing your concerns, mindset, and self limiting ideas about homeschooling
  • any anything else that might come up during our time together


How Will This Work?


Once you fill out the form below and indicate that you would like to go ahead with this coaching package, you will receive a message about scheduling a time for our first session, arranging payment and whether you’d like to connect over zoom, or phone.  I’ll also send you a questionnaire to help us best use our time together. After that there will be 2 – 1 hour sessions, and a half hour follow up session.