1 ON 1

Homeschool Coaching


1 hour

Homeschooling is a living and breathing thing.  

Each one of our experiences will be wonderfully unique, but it can be overwhelming to navigate it alone.


I’m a roadschooling mom of 5, with 11 years of homeschooling under my belt.  I can support you with everything from the logistics of getting started and choosing curriculum, to addressing common concerns that most of us spend years trying to figure out.

This 1 hour session is all about supporting you where you’re at in your journey.

Whether you’re just curious and want to talk to someone with experience about everything and anything homeschooling, or you’re just getting started and you’ve hit a roadblock that’s stopped you in your tracks or left you feeling uncertain, or you’re three years in and feeling like things need to change, but you’re not sure how.

 Think of me as your personal homeschool Google.

 Use this time to support you in:

  • Choosing curriculum
  • Creating a program plan
  • Working on your homeschooling mindset
  • Creating a homeschool mission statement
  • Creating a routine that works for your specific homeschool
  • Overcoming roadblocks
  • Anything and everything else you can possibly think of!
Want to get started or ask questions about the process?!
Simply fill out the form below and I’ll send you a message with all of the details.